The TC74 is a serially accessible digital temperature
sensor that can determine temperatures in the range of
25°C to 85°C with ±2° absolute accuracy or 0°C to
125°C with ±3° absolute accuracy. Temperature infor-mation is retrieved from the TC74 via a two wire
compatible interface. The TC74 repre-sents the temperature as an 8-bit two’s complement
signed integer that has a direct correspondence to the
device’s temperature in degrees C resulting in a 1° tem-perature resolution. The TC74 is available in eight
address versions so that eight devices can be moni-toredonthesametwowireSMBusinterfacewithno
additional circuitry. TB050
Monitoring Multiple Temperature Nodes Using TC74
Thermal Sensors and a PIC16C505
additional circuitry, although care should be taken to
Author: Ward Brown ensure that the combination of the PIC16C505 internal
Microchip Technology Inc. pull-up impedance with the cumulative load capaci-
tance meets the timing requirements of the TC74.
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