The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) has become a standard feature on most modern oscilloscopes. It permits oscilloscope users to view the frequency spectrum of a signal as well as the time domain trace. This provides a useful, alternative view of the acquired data. Using Long Fast Fourier Transforms TECHNICAL BRIEF
The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) has become a standard feature on most
LAB773 modern oscilloscopes. It permits oscilloscope users to view the frequency
June 2008 spectrum of a signal as well as the time domain trace. This provides a
useful, alternative view of the acquired data.
As oscilloscope memory depth has increased the use of the FFT has
generally been confined to short records due to the long processing time.
This limitation has been eliminated in LeCroy’s WavePro 700Zi series
oscilloscopes. In these scopes a 128 Mpoint FFT can be computed in ……