安捷伦万用表应用文档系列Digital Multimeter Measurement Errors Series
AC Voltage Measurement
Errors in Digital Multimeters
Application Note AN 1389-3
When you make measurements with a digital
multimeter (DMM), common errors will crop up.
The following discussion will help you eliminate
potential measurement errors and achieve the
greatest accuracy with a DMM. This paper covers
ac voltage measurement errors. For an overview of
system cabling errors and dc voltage measurement
errors, see Application Note 1389-1. For a discussion
of resistance; dc current; ac current; and frequency
and period measurement errors, see Application
Note 1389-2. (NOTE: The Agilent 34401A, a 6-1/2-
digit, high-performance DMM with both benchtop
and system features, will be used as an example
throughout this article).
AC ……