The PIC18F87J90/67J90 Processor Plug-in Module (PIM) is an
accessory to the PICDEM™ LCD 2 Demo Board that allows users to
easily experiment with the PIC18F87J90/86J90/67J90/66J90 on the
demo board. The PIM goes on the 80-pin socket on the PICDEM LCD 2
Demo Board and changes the output of the voltage regulator on the board
to the proper voltage level for these parts. This enables users to quickly
evaluate the new PIC18FJ LCD Flash devices without having to buy a
completely new demo board. PIC18F87J90/67J90 Plug-in Module for PICDEM
LCD 2 Demo Board
The PIC18F87J90/67J90 Processor Plug-in Module (PIM) is an
accessory to the PICDEM LCD 2 Demo Board that allow……