High-brightness LEDs are finding their way into many
popular applications and designers are now challenged
to find new and more cost-effective ways of powering
them. Many of these applications must be powered by
an AC source requiring power factor correction, high
efficiency, and possibly isolation for safety. Also,
designers are looking for ways to add intelligence into
their design. Often, it is not enough to turn the lights on
and off. Applications need to sense internal and
external changes and be able to respond intelligently to
those events.
This application note demonstrates a simple flyback
solution for an AC line-driven power converter capable
of driving multiple high-brightness LEDs. Microchip’s
PIC16HV785 microcontroller manages the power
section of the converter. The single chip controller
solution integrates analog peripherals with an MCU
and firmware, which, together, are used to create an
intelligent lighting source.
The PIC16HV785 is a 20-pin microcontroller unit
(MCU) with onboard peripherals useful for power
converter design. These include Analog-to-Digital
Converters (ADCs), op amps, comparators and AN1271
Offline Power Converter for High-Brightness LEDs Using
the PIC16HV785 Microcontroller
Pulse-Width Modulators (PWMs). Other peripherals
Author: Frank Hammerschmidt include timers, general I/O ports, and a programmable,
Microchip Technology Inc. internal voltage reference. An internal shunt regulator
is also included in this device, making it particularly
useful for high voltage applications.