背光调节在降低液晶显示器功耗中的作用 背光调节在降低液晶显示器功耗中的作用
飞思卡尔半导体 卢春鹏
括 2 维 LED 背光阵列以及动态亮度调节。
Abstract: Currently, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is becoming more and more prevalent while the people
requires less and less power consumption. Back light adjustment technology is widely utilized, both in
large panel LCD TV and small panel handhold device. This article introduces latest progress on this
technology, including 2-D LED backlight dimming and dynamic luminance scaling (DLS).
关键词: LCD 降功耗,背光调节,2 维背光,动态亮度调节
Keyword: LCD Power Saving, Backlight Adjustment, 2-D LED Backlight Dimming, Dynamic Luminance
Scaling (DLS)
第一章 LCD 降功耗的意义