基于CMOS工艺的音频前置放大器的设计与实现第 30 卷 第3期 2007 年 6 月
电 子 器 件
Chinese J our nal Of Elect ron Devices
Vol . 30 No. 3 J un . 2007
Design of a Audio2Preamplif ier by CMOS Technology 3
W A N G H ui , W A N G X i ao2j un , M A J un
1 2 1
1 . CA D Research Center , H an gz hou Di anz i Uni versit y , H an gz hou 310018 , Chi na; 2 . I nstit ute of Com m unications En gi neeri ng , H an gz hou Di anz i Uni versit y , H ang hz ou 310018 , Chi na
Abstract :An audio2preamplifier with 4 input s and two tracks is designed , which adopt s I2 C interface control and has a characteristic of low distortion and high reliability. A novel dual2stage amplifier structure is applied in the pa2 per. It has the advantages of simple structure , high open2loop gain , high common2mode range and needs only a frequency compensation ……