基于Ansoft多极多相永磁无刷直流电动机的仿真基于 Ansoft 多极多相永磁无刷直流电动机的仿真
邹根华 (西安交通大学 陕西 梁得亮 西安 710049)
摘 要: 借助于仿真技术指导电机的设计过程,利用 Ansoft 软件对磁场分布和电枢反应进行了分析, 调整电机设计参数,对电机的高密度性能进行理论分析,给出电机仿真结果。 【关键字】高功率密度、电机仿真、永磁电机 Simulation of Multi-pole and Multi-phase Permanent Magenetic BLDC motor Based On Ansoft Zou genhua, Liang deliang (Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China) Abstract: With the technique of simulation, the design process of motor can be directed in effect. In this paper, the distribution of magnetic field and the reaction of armature can be analysed using Ansoft. The parameter of motor can be regulated through simulation. This paper analyses the theory of multi-phase and multi-pole high power density motor, the result of simulation is given. Key words: high power density; simulation of motor; permanent magnet motor
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