大功率微波电子注器件及其发展真 空 电 子 技 术 1999 年第 1 期 1 VA CU UM EL ECTRON ICS
( 北京真空电子技术研究所 北京 100016) 1998 年 12 月 10 日收到
M icrowave E lectron Beam D ev ices and The ir Techn ica l Advances
L iao Fu jiang
(B eij ing V acuum E lectron ics R esea rch Institu te, B eij ing 100016) Abstract T he techn ica l advances of m icrow ave electron beam devices a re described in th is p ap er. B a sed on the in teraction betw een the electron beam and electrom agnetic field, m icrow ave tube, h igh pow er m icrow aves (H PM ) and vacuum m icroelectron ics devices a re still the hea rts of . T heir techn ica l advances w ill strong ly suppo rt the defence the defence and info rm a tion system s equ ipm en t developm en t fo r nex t cen tu ry and have deep influence on the ……