彩色PDP显示电极的制造工艺真空电子技术 VACUUM EL ECTRONICS
・ 综 述・
彩色 PD P 显示电极的制造工艺
( 南京电子器件研究所 ,江苏 南京 210016)
The Fabricating Technology of the Display Electrode f or Colour PDP
PEN G Guo2xian
( N anji ng Elect ronic Devices Instit ute , N anji ng 210016 , Chi na)
Abstract :A technology to produce t ransparent elect rodes under low temperat ure is int roduced in t his paper. It can eliminate t he deformation produced by spraying tin dioxide under high temperat ure , and meet t he needs of color PDP display. On t he ot her hand , t he fabrication met hods of t he bus elect rode are also described. At same time , it has been pointed out t hat t he p hotoetching technology and printing technology have important applica2
tion in color PDP display. Key words :Colour PDP display ; Photoetching technology ; P……