cn how to read datasheetHow to Read a Datasheet
Prepared for the WIMS outreach program 5/6/02, D. Grover
如何阅读数据手册 Prepared for the WIMS outreachaprogram In order to use a PIC microcontroller, a flip-flop, photodetector, or 5/6/02, D. Grover practically any electronic device, you need to consult a datasheet. This is the
document that the manufacturer provides telling you 为了使用PIC微控制器,触发器,光电检测器或者其它任何电子器件,您都应该参考 数据手册。数据手册是生产厂商提供给您包含以下信息的文档: the typical device performance * 器件的典型性能 *minimum and maximum requirements and characteristics 最小和最大需求和特性 * 在不损坏器件的前提下可用它来做什么 what you can do to the device without harming it * 使用建议和提示 suggested uses and hints
生产厂商希望您(设计者)在使用他们的器件时具有成功的经历。他们试图对您有 所帮助,然而这并不总是成功的。下面 附带的这份数据手册是相对比较好的数据手册。 Manufacturers want you, the designer, to have a successful experience with 它试图简明地告诉您那些您想了解的……