信号调理电路大全Buffer Op Amp to Analog-to-Digital Converter Design: AC Coupled Single-Ended Input, Single Supply, Differential Op Amps, Differential Input to ADC Problem:
How do I buffer the input of an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) when I have an AC coupled single-ended input, single power supply, differential op amps, and differential input to ADC?
Double click on schematic to enlarge. The source is terminated with a termination resistor RT. Capacitors C1 and C2 are dc blocking capacitors. You should note that C2 is important in establishing a correct dc operating point for the circuit - many people omit it, which can lead to potential problems. Resistors R1 through R4 set the gain of the fully differential op amp. R5, R6, C3, and C4 are ADC compensation components. Capacitor C5 decoupl……