The PIC18F6627/6722/8627/8722 parts you have
received conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS39646), except for the anomalies described below.
Any Data Sheet Clarification issues related to the
PIC18F6627/6722/8627/8722 devices will be reported
in a separate Data Sheet errata. Please check the
Microchip web site for any existing issues.
All of the issues listed here will be addressed in future
revisions of the PIC18F6627/6722/8627/8722 silicon. PIC18F6627/6722/8627/8722
PIC18F6627/6722/8627/8722 Rev. A1 Silicon Errata
The PIC18F6627/6722/8627/8722 parts you have 2. Module: Timer1/Timer3
received conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS39646), except for the anomalies described below. When Timer1/Timer3 is operating in 16-bit mode
Any Data Sheet Clarification issues related to the and the prescale setting is not 1:1, a write to the
PIC18F6627/6722/8627/8722 devices will be reported TMR1H/TMR3H buffer registers may lengthen the
in a separate Data Sheet errata. Please check the duration of the period between the increments of
Microchip web site for any existing issues. the timer for the pe……