The PIC16F818/819 Rev. A4 parts you have received
conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS39598 E), except for the anomalies described
Microchip intends to address all issues listed here in
future revisions of the PIC16F818/819 silicon. PIC16F818/819
PIC16F818/819 Rev. A4 Silicon Errata Sheet
The PIC16F818/819 Rev. A4 parts you have received 2. Module: PORTB
conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS39598E), except for the anomalies described If the following conditions are present on RB3, a
below. device Reset may occur.
Microchip intends to address all issues listed here in 1. RC combination on RB3 (see Figure 1).
future revisions of the PIC16F818/819 silicon. 2. RB3 configured as an input via TRISB.
The following silicon errata apply only to 3. RB3 is driven low.
PIC16F818/819 devices with these Device/Revision
IDs: ……