The PIC32MX3/4 devices (Rev. B3) you received
conform functionally to the corresponding device data
sheet (DS61143 D) and family reference manual
(DS6113DS80367D2B), except for the anomalies
described in this silicon errata document.
Any data sheet or reference manual clarification issues
related to the PIC32MX3/4 family would be described
in an errata document and made available on the
Microchip web site, PIC32MX3/4
PIC32MX3/4 Family Rev. B3 Silicon Errata
The PIC32MX3/4 devices (Rev. B3) you received The Device and Revision IDs of a PIC32MX3/4 device
conform functionally to the corresponding device data can be identified by performing a “Reset and Connect”
sheet (DS61143D) and family reference manual operation to the device using MPLAB REAL ICE
(DS6113DS80367D2B), except for the anomalies in-circuit emulator with MPLAB IDE, version 8.0 or
described in this silicon errata document. later.
Any data sheet or reference manual clarification issues “Reset and Connect” requires that a device is specified
related to the PIC32MX3/4 family would be……