In the Device Data Sheet (DS39629 B), the following
clarifications and corrections should be noted. Any sili-
con issues related to the PIC18F6390/6490/8390/8490
devices will be reported in a separate silicon errata.
Please check the Microchip web site for any existing
issues. PIC18F6390/6490/8390/8490
PIC18F6390/6490/8390/8490 Data Sheet Errata
Clarifications/Corrections to the Data 1. Module: LCD Initialization Conditions
Sheet: The initialization conditions for the LCDDATAx and
In the Device Data Sheet (DS39629B), the following LCDSEx registers have been revised from those
clarifications and corrections should be noted. Any sili- shown in Table 4-4 of the Device Data Sheet.
con issues related to the PIC18F6390/6490/8390/8490 The LCDDATAx registers are cleared upon all
devices will be reported in a separate silicon errata. types of R……