The PIC16C65A (Rev. B) parts you have received con-
form functionally to the PIC16C6X data sheet
(DS30234 C), except for the anomalies described below.
All the problems listed here will be addressed in the future
revisions of the PIC16C65A silicon. PIC16C65A
Errata Sheet for Rev. B PIC16C65A Silicon
The PIC16C65A (Rev. B) parts you have received con- Example 1:
form functionally to the PIC16C6X data sheet BSF T1CON, TMR1ON
(DS30234C), except for the anomalies described below. :
All the problems listed here will be addressed in the future BCF T1CON, TMR1ON
revisions of the PIC16C65A silicon. MOVF TMR1H, 1
1. Module: USART
TMR1 value before MOVF instruction:
When the USART (SCI) is configured in asynchro- TMR1H:TMR1L = 3F:00
nous mode with the BRGH bit set, a h……