摘要:提供书面描述中的应用笔记AN3230并行端口硬件使用并行端口2线软件和源代码的指令。Maxim/Dallas > App Notes > DIGITAL POTENTIOMETERS MISCELLANEOUS CIRCUITS
Keywords: Parallel Port, 2-wire, I2C, AN3230 Aug 19, 2004
Writing Parallel-Port 2-Wire Software in C
Provides instruction and source code for writting parallel port 2-wire software for use with the parallel port
hardware described in application note AN3230.
Also see: Application Note: Adding Windows NT/2000/XP Support to the AN3315 Parallel-Port 2-Wire Software
This application note discusses the C source code that is being provided for customers that are interested in
developing 2-Wire software for the parallel port hardware described in application note AN3230. The source code
is available for free on Dallas Semi……