摘要: DS2761和DS2762的高精度电池监视器,提供Li +电池的监测和保护。这些器件具有两种电源模式:主动和睡眠。而在主动模式下,设备不断监视系统,并提供锂离子保护。在休眠模式下,这些活动将停止。有几种情况,可以进入休眠模式主动模式过渡的设备:低DQ的电压条件下,和swap命令发出。有另一组条件,可以从睡眠模式转换到主动模式的设备: DQ的, PS的下降沿上升沿,附带一个充电器,并发出swap命令。 PMOD位,斯文位, DQ引脚和电池电压作用状态,充电控制(CC)和放电控制( DC )引脚如何反应时起床。本应用笔记提供起床在所有可能的情景发生的事情的细节。Maxim/Dallas > App Notes > BATTERY MANAGEMENT
Keywords: DS2761 DS2762 DS2760 waking up active mode sleep mode battery management Li ION Li+ Li- May 04, 2004
Waking up a DS2761/DS2762
The DS2761 and DS2762 High Precision Battery Monitors provide monitoring and protection for a Li+ cell.
These devices have two power modes: Active and Sleep. While in Active Mode, the devices continually monitor
the system and provide Li+ protection. While in Sleep Mode, these activities cease. There are several conditions
that can transition the devices from Active Mode into Sleep Mode: a low DQ, an under voltage condition, and
the issuing of the Swap command. There is another set of conditions that can transition the devices from Sleep
Mode into Active Mode: a rising edge of DQ……