摘要: 锂离子电池包了最强大的单位体积,但过多的充、 放电可以损坏或破坏电池和周围的环境。精心设计的电路,可以帮助您避免这种严重的后果。Maxim/Dallas > App Notes > BATTERY MANAGEMENT
Keywords: Proper Handling Helps Make the Most of Li-Ion Batteries Jan 24, 2001
Proper Handling Helps Make the Most of Li-Ion Batteries
Li-ion batteries pack the most power per unit volume, but excessive charging or discharging can damage or
destroy the battery and its surroundings. Carefully designed circuits can help you avoid such dire consequences.
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are now the popular choice for applications that require the highest concentrations
of available power, both per unit volume and per unit weight. These batteries can store more energy than NiCd,
nickel-metal hydride (NiMH), and other rechargeable types. Battery manufacturers developed Li-ion technology
to ……