摘要:本应用笔记介绍了如何使用内置的实用工具光盘的MAXQ7665微控制器(μC)的程序和数据闪存擦除/写。此信息适用于那些(MAXQ7665)基于闪存的页擦除( PE )闪存μCs 。Maxim > App Notes > AUTOMOTIVE BASESTATIONS / WIRELESS INFRASTRUCTURE
Keywords: Pa, MAXQ76XXge Erasable Program Nov 27, 2006
In-Application Programming (IAP) of the MAXQ7665 Page-Erasable
(PE) Program and Data Flash
Abstract: This application note describes how to erase/write the program and data flash in the MAXQ7665
microcontrollers (C) using the built-in utility ROM. This information applies to those MAXQ7665 flash-based
Cs with page-erasable (PE) flash.
This application note describes how to manage the internal data and program flash in the MAXQ7665 flash-based
microcontrollers (C) with page-erasable (PE) flash memory. This discussion includes general information for
performing in-applic……