【应用手册】AN 547: Putting the MAX II CPLD in Hibernation Mode to Achieve Zero Standby Current
To save power, the MAX® II CPLD can be completely powered down into hibernation mode during an inactive period. The CPLD can power down automatically, and allow the system to power it up again when the system requires the CPLD to execute a task, while retaining the register data.
This application note discusses an example system in which MAX II registers’ data is automatically stored before the power supply is cut off after a certain predefined idle period, and the data is automatically reloaded back into the registers when the system is powered up again. AN 547: Putting the MAX II CPLD in
Hibernation Mode to Achieve Zero
Standby Current
January 2009 AN-547-1.0
To save power, the MAX II CPLD can be completely powered down into hibernation
mode during an inactive period. The CPLD can power down automatically, and allow
the system to power it up again when the system requires the CPLD to execute a task,
while retaining the……