【应用手册】AN 557: Stratix III-to-Stratix IV E Cross-Family Migration Guidelines
This application note provides guidelines in cross-family migration designs between
the Altera® Stratix® III and Stratix IV E device family variant using the Quartus® II
software. Use these guidelines for drop-in replacement of either device placed on a
single PCB through your hardware design. Altera recommends using the following
guidelines throughout your PCB design process to ensure a seamless migration of
designs from Stratix III-to-Stratix IV E devices.
You can design your Stratix III FPGAs to take advantage of the higher performance,
higher density, and lower power benefits of Stratix IV E FPGAs. With up-front
planning that considers the different power supply voltages and available packages in
both families, it is possible to design a PCB assembled with either a Stratix III or a
Stratix IV E device in the same package.
Cross-family migration between Stratix III and Stratix IV E FPGAs allows you to
design with Stratix III FPGAs today and move to Stratix IV E FPGAs in the future
without changing the device pin-outs or the PCB layout. AN 557: Stratix III-to-Stratix IV E
Cross-Family Migration Guidelines
September 2009 AN-557-2.0
This application note provides guidelines in cross-family migration designs between
the Altera Stratix III and Stratix IV E device family variant using the Quartus II
software. Use these guidelines for drop-in replacement of either device placed on a
single PCB through your hardware design. Altera recommends using the following
guidelines thro……