This application note presents a LIN 2.0-compliant
driver for the PIC18XXXX family of microcontrollers.
This document will focus on the setup and implemen-
tation of the driver for a master and/or a slave node(s).
The material in this document is presented with the
assumption that the reader is familiar with the
previous versions of the LIN specification. Only key
additions and modifications of the LIN specification
2.0, the most current specification available to date,
will be highlighted. AN1009
LIN 2.0 Compliant Driver Using the PIC18XXXX Family
Authors: Thorsten Waclawcyzk
Microchip Technology Inc. Signal groups are replaced with byte arrays that
Jin Xu support signal sizes up to eight bytes.
Microchip Technology Inc. Automatic bit rate detection is incorporated.
Unlike the classic checksum that includes only
the data bytes, the enh……