The Analog-to-Digital converter (A/D) is the primary
tool that allows analog signals to be quantized into the
world of digital electronics. Once the signal is digitally
represented, it can be stored, analyzed and manipu-lated by a variety of logic devices. The PIC16C7X
microcontrollers have an A/D integrated onto the
PIC16CXX core processor. Utilizing Microchip’s A/D
requires only a basic level of understanding to get a
result. However, maximizing the effectiveness of the
A/D for each specific application requires a higher level
of thought and understanding. Typically, a thorough
comprehension of a device is obtained through experi-ence, studying data sheets and studying application
notes for a reasonable amount of time. This article
addresses the main technical considerations for an
effective design to reduce your design time.M FACT002
Mastering the PIC16C7X A/D Converter
Author: Jim Simons
Even though we are converting to the ‘digital world’, we
Microchip Technology Inc.
must remember that certain analog ‘laws’ still hold true.
Specifically, the A/D is basically a capacitor which has
to have time to charge/discharge to the analog level on
The Analog-to-Digital converter (A/D) is the primary ……