This application note discusses the use of the
PIC16CXXX Timer1 module as an asynchronous clock.
The Timer1 module has it own oscillator circuitry, which
allows the timer to keep real-time, even when the
device is in SLEEP mode. When the device is in sleep,
the oscillator will continue to increment TMR1. An over-flow of the TMR1 register causes a TMR1 Overflow
Interrupt (if enabled) and will wake the processor from
sleep. The interrupt service routine can then perform
the desired task. M Using Timer1 in Asynchronous Clock Mode
In asynchronous operation, if the clock source is an
Author: Mark Palmer external clock, it is input on the T1CKI pin. If the clock
Microchip Technology Inc. source is a crystal oscillator, the crystal is connected
across the T1OSO and T1OSI pins.
INTRODUCTION When using Timer1 in Asynchronous mode, the use of
This application note discusses the use ……