This application note describes the Cyclic Redundancy
Check (CRC) theory and implementation. The CRC
check is used to detect errors in a message. Two imple-mentations are shown:
• Table driven CRC calculation
• Loop driven CRC calculation
This application describes the implementation of the
CRC-16 polynomial. However, there are several for-mats for the implementation of CRC such as
CRC-CCITT, CRC-32 or other polynomials.
CRC is a common method for detecting errors in trans-mitted messages or stored data. The CRC is a very
powerful, but easily implemented technique to obtain
data reliability. AN730
CRC Generating and Checking
Authors: Thomas Schmidt
Microchip Technology Inc.
XOR 0100110111
= 1101010010
This application note describes the Cyclic Redundancy
Check (CRC) theory and implementation. The CRC
check is used to detect errors in a message. Two imple-