Interfacing a serial EEPROM to a controller can be a
confusing task, especially for first time users. Because
communication with a parallel memory device is more
straightforward, the advantages of serial devices are
sometimes overlooked because of the time required to
learn a different protocol. In order to minimize this time,
Microchip provides many application notes on how to
interface a controller to our serial memory products.
Since every application is different, questions on differ-ent aspects of serial memories still arise. This applica-tion note provides answers to some of these commonly
asked questions on using serial EEPROMs. This series
of questions and answers covers a broad range of topics
concerning both 2-wire and 3-wire serial EEPROMS,
and covers material and/or circumstances that may not
be provided in the data book. Questions and Answers Concerning Serial EEPROMs
Questions and Answers Concerning Serial EEPROMs
Interfacing a serial EEPROM to a controller can be a Q: I’m using an interrupt routine in my controller code
confusing task, especially for first time users. Because that may leave the serial EEPROM in the middle of
communication with a parallel memory device is more a read command. When I return from the interrupt,
straightforward, the advantages of serial devices are is there any way to reset the part to make sure it is
sometimes overlooked because of the time required to in a known state ……