Variable gain amplifiers often use a mechanical potentiometer to set the gain. An example is a volume control dial. However, when the analog signal path is digitally controlled, a digital potentiometer might be used to control gain. This article discusses the use of the digital potentiometer to form digitally controlled gain or filter blocks.Maxim > App Notes > AMPLIFIER AND COMPARATOR CIRCUITS DIGITAL POTENTIOMETERS
Keywords: EPOT Applications: Gain Adjustment in Op-Amp Circuits Nov 28, 2001
EPOT Applications: Gain Adjustment in Op-Amp Circuits
Variable gain amplifiers often use a mechanical potentiometer to set the gain. An example is a volume control
dial. However, when the analog signal path is digitally controlled, a digital potentiometer might be used to
control gain. This article discusses the use of the digital potentiometer to form digitally controlled gain or filter
Throughout this discussion of digital potentiometers, the term EPOT is used rather than digital pot, EEPOT or
EPOT. The term EPOT describes the Maxim series of vola……