fpga 语音识别应用 60 2010.46(2) Computer Engineering and Applications计算机工程与应用 FPGA和NiosII软核的语音识别系统的研究 巢一波,张曦煌 CHAO Yi-bo,ZHANG Xi-huang 江南大学信息工程学院,江苏无锡214122 Coflege of Information Technology,Jiangnan Univemity,Wuxi,Jiangsu 214122,China E-mail:loveforeverl3579@yahoo.corn.cn CHAO Yi-lm.ZHANG Xi-huang.Speech recognition system on FPGA and Nios H softcore.Computer Engineering and Ap- pHcations。2010。46(2):60-62. Abstract:There are a few applications of speech recognition in embeded system,mainly emplemented by DSP,and the accuracy is low.An embedded speech recognition system based on FPGA and NiosII is rec……