Design Methods for Control Class MicroRadio - Parts 3-4 of 5 PartsIntegrated RF Subsystem and Circuit Design for Short-Range Radio
Part 3 of this series addresses some example subsystem and circuit design issues of Short-
Range Radio, particularly from the perspective of designing and using integrated PLL
transmitters that are becoming popular replacements for SAW based transmitters. The low
power and cost of these systems requires fundamental attention to design detail, which is not
an easy task for the often inexperienced designer of these systems operating in a standards
vacuum. This task is eased and risk is lowered by basic analysis and use of modern integrated
Farron L. Dacus, RF Architecture Mgr, (480) 792-7017,
Jan Van Niekerk, RF Applications Engr Mgr, (480) 792-4150,
Steven Bi……