原创 cc2500驱动程序(Atmega16)

2009-6-8 16:26 5258 1 3 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式


#ifndef _CC2500_H
#define _CC2500_H

// CC2500 管脚
#define CC2500_CSn     RF_IO0 // PB4
#define CC2500_GDO0    RF_IO1 // PD2
#define CC2500_GDO2    RF_IO2 // PD3

// 定义数据包
#define CC2500_PKT_LEN  80
typedef struct {
 u8_t buf[CC2500_PKT_LEN];
 u8_t len;
} packet_2500_t;
extern packet_2500_t tx_pkt_2500;
extern packet_2500_t rx_pkt_2500;
extern u8_t rx_state_2500;
extern u8_t rx_flag_2500;

// PATABLE (1 dBm output power)
extern u8_t paTable[];
extern u8_t paTableLen;

void cc_wait(u16_t cycles);

void cc_spi_setup(void);
void cc_spi_write_reg(u8_t addr, u8_t value);
void cc_spi_write_burst_reg(u8_t addr, u8_t *buffer, u8_t count);
u8_t cc_spi_read_reg(u8_t addr);
void cc_spi_read_burst_reg(u8_t addr, u8_t *buffer, u8_t count);
u8_t cc_spi_read_status(u8_t addr);
void cc_spi_strobe(u8_t strobe);
void cc_powerup_reset(void);

void cc_write_settings(void);
void cc_send_packet(u8_t *tx_buf, u8_t size);
u8_t cc_receive_packet(u8_t *rx_buf, u8_t *length);

// test function
void cc_test(void);




#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "ccxxx0_reg.h"
#include "cc2500.h"
#include "key.h"

// 数据包
packet_2500_t tx_pkt_2500;
packet_2500_t rx_pkt_2500;
u8_t rx_state_2500;
u8_t rx_flag_2500;

void cc_wait(u16_t cycles)
    while (cycles > 6)
        cycles -= 6;

// cc2500 外部管脚配置
void cc_spi_setup(void)
 DDRB |= CC2500_CSn;
 PORTB |= CC2500_CSn;
 PORTD |= CC2500_GDO0; // 使能上拉

 // 配置SPI总线
 //SPSR |= (1<<SPI2X); // 设置SPI时钟倍速
 SPCR |= (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR);  // 使能SPI接口,主机模式

 cli(); // 清所有中断
 MCUCR |= 0x02; // INT0下降沿触发
 GICR |= 0x40; // 使能INT0

void cc_spi_write_reg(u8_t addr, u8_t value)
    // CS enable
    PORTB &= ~CC2500_CSn;
    // wait for CCxxxx ready
    while (PINB&SPI_MISO);
    // Clear flag
    SPSR = 0x00;
    // Send address
    SPDR = addr;
    // Wait for TX to finish
    while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
    // Clear flag
    SPSR = 0x00;
    // Load data for TX after addr
    SPDR = value;
    // Wait for end of addr TX
    while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
    // CS disable
    PORTB |= CC2500_CSn;

void cc_spi_write_burst_reg(u8_t addr, u8_t *buffer, u8_t count)
    u8_t i;

    // CS enable
    PORTB &= ~CC2500_CSn;
    // Wait for CCxxxx ready
    while (PINB&SPI_MISO) ;
    // Clear flag
    SPSR = 0x00;
    // Send address
    SPDR = addr|TI_CCxxx0_WRITE_BURST;
    // Wait for TX to finish
    while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
    for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
        // Clear flag
     SPSR = 0x00;
        SPDR = buffer;
        while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
    // Clear flag
    SPSR = 0x00;
    // CS disable
    PORTB |= CC2500_CSn;

u8_t cc_spi_read_reg(u8_t addr)
    u8_t x;

    // CS enable
    PORTB &= ~CC2500_CSn;
    // Wait for CCxxxx ready,
    while (PINB&SPI_MISO) ;
    // Clear flag set during addr TX
    SPSR = 0x00;
    // Send Address
    SPDR = addr|TI_CCxxx0_READ_SINGLE;
    // Wait for TXBUF ready
    while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
    // Clear flag set during addr TX
    SPSR = 0x00;
    // Load dummy byte for TX after addr
    SPDR = 0;
    // Wait for end of dymmy byte TX
    while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
    // Read data
    x = SPDR;

    // CS disable
    PORTB |= CC2500_CSn;

    return x;

void cc_spi_read_burst_reg(u8_t addr, u8_t *buffer, u8_t count)
    u8_t i;

    // CS enable
    PORTB &= ~CC2500_CSn;
    // Wait for CCxxxx ready
    while (PINB&SPI_MISO) ;
    // clear flag
    SPSR = 0x00;
    // Send address
    SPDR = addr|TI_CCxxx0_READ_BURST;
    // Wait for txbuf ready
    while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
    for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
     SPSR = 0x00; // Clear flag
        // Initiate next data RX, meanwhile
        SPDR = 0;
        // wair for end of 1st data byte TX
        while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
        buffer = SPDR;

    // Clear flag
    SPSR = 0x00;
    // CS diable
    PORTB |= CC2500_CSn;

u8_t cc_spi_read_status(u8_t addr)
    u8_t x;

    // CS enable
    PORTB &= ~CC2500_CSn;
    // Wait for CCxxxx ready
    while (PINB&SPI_MISO) ;
    // Clear flag set during last write
    SPSR = 0x00;
    // Send address
    SPDR = addr|TI_CCxxx0_READ_BURST;
    // Wait for TX to finish
    while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
    // Clear flag set during last write
    SPSR = 0x00;
    // Dummy write so we can read data
    SPDR = 0;
    // Wait for RX to finish
    while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
    // Read data
    x = SPDR;
    // CS disable
    PORTB |= CC2500_CSn;

    return x;

void cc_spi_strobe(u8_t strobe)
    // CS enable
 PORTB &= ~CC2500_CSn;
    // Wait for CCxxxx ready
 while (PINB&SPI_MISO) ;
    // Clear flag set during last write
 SPSR = 0x00;
    // Send strobe
    SPDR = strobe;
    // Wait for TX to finish
    while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
    // CS disable
    PORTB |= CC2500_CSn;

void cc_powerup_reset(void)
    // CS disable
 PORTB |= CC2500_CSn;
    // CS enable
    PORTB &= ~CC2500_CSn;
    // CS disable
    PORTB |= CC2500_CSn;

    // CS enable
    PORTB &= ~CC2500_CSn;
    // Wait for CCxxxx ready
    while (PINB&SPI_MISO) ;
    // clear flag
    SPSR = 0x00;
    // reset CCxxxx chip
    SPDR = TI_CCxxx0_SRES;
    // Wait for end of addr TX
    while (!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF))) ;
    // CS disable
    PORTB |= CC2500_CSn;

// CC2500
// Product = CC2500
// Crystal accuracy = 40 ppm
// X-tal frequency = 26 MHz
// RF output power = 0 dBm
// RX filterbandwidth = 540.000000 kHz
// Deviation = 0.000000
// Return state:  Return to RX state upon leaving either TX or RX
// Datarate = 250.000000 kbps
// Modulation = (7) MSK
// Manchester enable = (0) Manchester disabled
// RF Frequency = 2433.000000 MHz
// Channel spacing = 199.950000 kHz
// Channel number = 0
// Optimization = Sensitivity
// Sync mode = (3) 30/32 sync word bits detected
// Format of RX/TX data = (0) Normal mode, use FIFOs for RX and TX
// CRC operation = (1) CRC calculation in TX and CRC check in RX enabled
// Forward Error Correction = (0) FEC disabled
// Length configuration = (1) Variable length packets, packet length configured by the first received byte after sync word.
// Packetlength = 255
// Preamble count = (2)  4 bytes
// Append status = 1
// Address check = (0) No address check
// FIFO autoflush = 0
// Device address = 0
// GDO0 signal selection = ( 6) Asserts when sync word has been sent / received, and de-asserts at the end of the packet
// GDO2 signal selection = (11) Serial Clock
void cc_write_settings(void)
#if 0
    // Write register settings
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG2,   0x0B);  // GDO2 output pin config.
 //cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG2,   0x3A);  // GDO2 output pin config.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG0,   0x06);  // GDO0 output pin config.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTLEN,   0xFF);  // Packet length.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL1, 0x05);  // Packet automation control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL0, 0x05);  // Packet automation control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_ADDR,     0x01);  // Device address.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_CHANNR,   0x00); // Channel number.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCTRL1,  0x07); // Freq synthesizer control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCTRL0,  0x00); // Freq synthesizer control.
#if 0
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ2,    0x5D); // Freq control word, high byte
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ1,    0x93); // Freq control word, mid byte.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ0,    0xB1); // Freq control word, low byte.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ2,    0x5c); // Freq control word, high byte
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ1,    0x80); // Freq control word, mid byte.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ0,    0x00); // Freq control word, low byte.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG4,  0x2D); // Modem configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG3,  0x3B); // Modem configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG2,  0x73); // Modem configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG1,  0x22); // Modem configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG0,  0xF8); // Modem configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_DEVIATN,  0x00); // Modem dev (when FSK mod en)
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MCSM1 ,   0x3F); //MainRadio Cntrl State Machine
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MCSM0 ,   0x18); //MainRadio Cntrl State Machine
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FOCCFG,   0x1D); // Freq Offset Compens. Config
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_BSCFG,    0x1C); //  Bit synchronization config.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL2, 0xC7); // AGC control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL1, 0x00); // AGC control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL0, 0xB2); // AGC control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREND1,   0xB6); // Front end RX configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREND0,   0x10); // Front end RX configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL3,   0xEA); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL2,   0x0A); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL1,   0x00); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL0,   0x11); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSTEST,   0x59); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST2,    0x88); // Various test settings.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST1,    0x31); // Various test settings.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST0,    0x0B); // Various test settings.

#if 0
    // Write register settings
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG2,   0x0B); // GDO2 output pin config.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG0,   0x06); // GDO0 output pin config.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTLEN,   0xFF); // Packet length.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL1, 0x05); // Packet automation control.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL0, 0x22); // Packet automation control.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_ADDR,     0x01); // Device address.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_CHANNR,   0x00); // Channel number.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCTRL1,  0x12); // Freq synthesizer control.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCTRL0,  0x00); // Freq synthesizer control.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ2,    0x5c); // Freq control word, high byte
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ1,    0x80); // Freq control word, mid byte.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ0,    0x00); // Freq control word, low byte.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG4,  0x2D); // Modem configuration.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG3,  0x3B); // Modem configuration.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG2,  0xF3); // Modem configuration.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG1,  0x22); // Modem configuration.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG0,  0xF8); // Modem configuration.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_DEVIATN,  0x00); // Modem dev (when FSK mod en)
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MCSM1 ,   0x3F); // MainRadio Cntrl State Machine
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MCSM0 ,   0x18); // MainRadio Cntrl State Machine
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FOCCFG,   0x1D); // Freq Offset Compens. Config
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_BSCFG,    0x1C); // Bit synchronization config.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL2, 0xC7); // AGC control.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL1, 0x00); // AGC control.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL0, 0xB0); // AGC control.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREND1,   0xB6); // Front end RX configuration.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREND0,   0x10); // Front end RX configuration.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL3,   0xEA); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL2,   0x0A); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL1,   0x00); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL0,   0x11); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSTEST,   0x59); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST2,    0x88); // Various test settings.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST1,    0x31); // Various test settings.
 cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST0,    0x0B); // Various test settings.

#if 1
    // Write register settings
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG2,   0x0B);  // GDO2 output pin config.
 //cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG2,   0x3A);  // GDO2 output pin config.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_IOCFG0,   0x06);  // GDO0 output pin config.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTLEN,   0xFF);  // Packet length.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL1, 0x05);  // Packet automation control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_PKTCTRL0, 0x05);  // Packet automation control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_ADDR,     0x01);  // Device address.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_CHANNR,   0x00); // Channel number.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCTRL1,  0x06); // Freq synthesizer control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCTRL0,  0x00); // Freq synthesizer control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ2,    0x5c); // Freq control word, high byte
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ1,    0x80); // Freq control word, mid byte.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREQ0,    0x00); // Freq control word, low byte.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG4,  0x78); // Modem configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG3,  0x93); // Modem configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG2,  0x03); // Modem configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG1,  0x22); // Modem configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MDMCFG0,  0xF8); // Modem configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_DEVIATN,  0x44); // Modem dev (when FSK mod en)
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MCSM1 ,   0x3F); //MainRadio Cntrl State Machine
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_MCSM0 ,   0x18); //MainRadio Cntrl State Machine
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FOCCFG,   0x16); // Freq Offset Compens. Config
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_BSCFG,    0x6C); //  Bit synchronization config.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL2, 0x43); // AGC control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL1, 0x40); // AGC control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_AGCCTRL0, 0x91); // AGC control.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREND1,   0x56); // Front end RX configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREND0,   0x10); // Front end RX configuration.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL3,   0xA9); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL2,   0x0A); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL1,   0x00); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSCAL0,   0x11); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FSTEST,   0x59); // Frequency synthesizer cal.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST2,    0x88); // Various test settings.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST1,    0x31); // Various test settings.
    cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_TEST0,    0x0B); // Various test settings.

// PATABLE (0 dBm output power)
//u8_t paTable[] = {0xFB};
u8_t paTable[] = {0xFF};
u8_t paTableLen = 1;

// 发送数据包
void cc_send_packet(u8_t *tx_buf, u8_t size)
 // 先进空闲,防止锁死
    cc_spi_write_burst_reg(TI_CCxxx0_TXFIFO, tx_buf, size); // Write TX data
    //cc_spi_write_reg(TI_CCxxx0_FREND0, 0x10); // POWER = 10dbm
    cc_spi_strobe(TI_CCxxx0_STX); // STX="0x35" enable TX.
    while ((PIND&CC2500_GDO0) == 0) ; // wait for GDO0 hi, sync TX'ed
    while ((PIND&CC2500_GDO0) != 0) ; // wait for GDO0 lo, end of pkt

u8_t cc_receive_packet(u8_t *rx_buf, u8_t *length)
    u8_t status[2];
    u8_t pktlen;

    if ((cc_spi_read_status(TI_CCxxx0_RXBYTES) & TI_CCxxx0_NUM_RXBYTES)) {
        pktlen = cc_spi_read_reg(TI_CCxxx0_RXFIFO); // read length byte

        if (pktlen <= *length) { // if pktlen size <= rx_buf
            cc_spi_read_burst_reg(TI_CCxxx0_RXFIFO, rx_buf, pktlen); // Pull data
            *length = pktlen; // return the actual size
            cc_spi_read_burst_reg(TI_CCxxx0_RXFIFO, status, 2); // read appended status byte
            return (u8_t)(status[TI_CCxxx0_LQI_RX]&TI_CCxxx0_CRC_OK); // return CRC_OK bit
        } else {
            *length = pktlen;
            cc_spi_strobe(TI_CCxxx0_SFRX); // Flush RXFIFO
            return 0; // error
    } else {
        return 0; // error

// 接收中断函数
 rx_pkt_2500.len = 32;
 rx_state_2500 = cc_receive_packet(rx_pkt_2500.buf, &(rx_pkt_2500.len));
 if (rx_state_2500 != 0)
  rx_flag_2500 = 1;
 cc_spi_strobe(TI_CCxxx0_SRX); // 返回接收





用户951650 2011-9-8 09:56

深圳市亿威盛世科技有限公司 TI德州仪器芯片专卖 无线收发射频芯片优势。 电话:0755-36931959。13480930731.刘'R. CC1000PWR CC2520RHDR MSP430FW427IPMR CC1020RUZR CC2530F128RHAR MSP430F149IPMR CC1021RSSR CC2530F256RHAR MSP430F1612IPMR CC1070RSQR CC2530F32RHAR MSP430F2121IPWR CC1070RSQR CC2531F256RHAR MSP430F2274IDAR CC1100ERTKR CC2550RSTR MSP430F235TPMR CC1100RTKR CC2590RGVT MSP430F247TPMR CC1101RTKR CC2591RGVT MSP430F417IPMR CC1150RSTR CC2500RTKR MSP430FW427IPMR CC2400RSUR CC2510F32RSPR MSP430F5438IPZR CC2420RTCR CC2511F16RSPR CC2430ZF128RTCR 原装 UC3846DWTR 正品 UC3846N 优势现货

用户1593803 2011-7-7 14:55


用户1275742 2009-11-19 08:55

呵呵,ST 公司的发展规划也是稳健性的,基本很少涉及一家独大的CPU 行业和价格波动很大的存数器行业。笔者阅读这次讲座的SLM20温度传感器资料,S-TOUCH CONTROLLERS 产品,在工业电子和消费类电子大有应用。

朱玉龙 2009-11-18 21:27

用户383176 2009-06-18 15:06
用户383176 2009-06-18 14:55
用户383176 2009-06-18 14:46
用户383176 2009-06-08 21:24
用户383176 2009-06-08 16:09
头文件:nrf905.h/* * nrf905.h * *  Created on: 2009-5-8 *      Author: Administrator */#ifndef NRF905_H_...
关闭 站长推荐上一条 /1 下一条