yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-9-10 20:15
   A gateway controller serves as a communication bridge between the various networks inside the vehicle, including but not limited to CAN (low ...
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-9-10 20:13
ISO(POSIX)的 typedef
typedef char char_t; typedef signed char int8_t; typedef signed short int16_t; typedef signed int int32_t; typedef signed long int64_t; ...
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-9-9 23:42
Eagle 中文教程
Eagle 中文教程 http://www.cadsoftusa.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?page=/home/cadsoft/html_public/download.htm.endir=eagle/userfiles/doc
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-9-9 23:40
Eagle & EDA files for the Open Hardware Logo
[Open Hardware Logo   Eagle format: attachment download
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-9-5 22:35
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-9-5 21:54
管理规范:不要更改默认库... 建库规范:文字大小...
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-9-5 21:45
有用的Eagle BOM 工具 BOM-EX
ULP简介   可以给原理图中每个元器件加入part number,然后更新属性,生成BOM。   特别功能,加入DNP(Do Not Place)功能。 ...
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-9-4 23:31
Code::Blocks for C/Cpp Novice [转帖]
谁在使用Code::Blocks?很多,至少我知道国外很多大学计算机教育C/C++编程使用这个IDE,而不是国内大学计算机教育中《C程序设计》这门课程很多高校推崇的垃圾 ...
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-9-4 22:38
Eagle 使用时注意事项
直接上附件。 内容简介: 1. 使用注意事项。 2. 有用的库。 3. 有用的ULP。
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-8-30 07:50
HOW-TO: Build 3D models from Eagle files
Overview Over the last few weeks we’ve been building 3D models of our projects in Google SketchUp using the EagleUp scrip t. This script ...
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-8-22 22:27
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-8-20 20:09
今天买了房子,80.4㎡ 土门商厦附近
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-8-20 20:07
Eurocard (PCB)
  Eurocard is a European standard format for PCBs , which can be plugged together into a standardized subrack . The subrack ...
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-8-20 20:06
 由于全球金融市场的大动荡,市场上几乎没有什么好消息,而要确定这次金融动荡对元器件市场的影响则更加困难。消费者的信心己经降到历史低点,由于消费市场 ...
yueleilei2004_790049340 2012-8-20 20:04
A/D 转换 PCB Layout注意事项
  NXP公司提供一个应用文档关于A/D 转换 PCB Layout注意事项。 我感觉写得还不错,因为最近在设计A/D转换PCB时感觉Layout ...
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