2014-2-7 19:06
The untold story of the amazing nixie tube project
As you may have read in my previous blog , I was just perusing and pondering various projects in Kickstarter when I ran across an amazingly cool ...
2014-2-7 19:02
The story behind Arduino-powered smart nixie tubes
I previously wrote a blog about a Kickstarter project that excited me so. I think this smart Nixie Tube concept is a really great idea. So do a ...
2014-2-6 18:00
What do you think of this nixie tube project?
I was just perusing and pondering various projects in Kickstarter when I ran across an amazingly cool project that mixes two of my favourite thin ...
2014-2-6 18:00
Amazingly cool nixie tube Kickstarter project
I was just browsing the Kickstarter.com website (as you do) for various projects when I ran across an amazingly cool project that mixes two of my ...
2014-1-30 19:16
Amazing video: People are awesome
I was just chatting with Mike Phipps over at Micriµm about things I can't talk about here. Fortunately, that's not what I wanted to talk about h ...
2014-1-30 19:15
Watch this video: People are awesome
I was just talking with Mike Phipps over at Micriµm about all sorts of stuff I can't talk about here. Fortunately, that's not what I wanted to t ...
2014-1-29 17:19
CAST touts fastest 8051-compatible MCU core
It's incredible that one of the early microcontroller cores, the 8bit Intel 8051, is still going strong. It was first introduced more than 30 years ...
2014-1-29 17:17
CAST launches fastest 8051-compatible MCU core
It's quite astonishing that one of the early microcontroller cores—the 8bit Intel 8051, which was first introduced more than 30 years ago in 1981 ...
2014-1-29 17:09
Vacuum tubes illuminated with tri-coloured LEDs
Have a sit and be ready to be flabbergasted. I have news so exciting that I can barely bring myself to speak of it. In my earlier blog on my Ultra ...
2014-1-28 19:23
Ultra-macho prognostication engine design (Part 1)
In my previous blogs on my Pedagogical and Phantasmagorical Inamorata Prognostication Engine project, I have alluded to the fact that this will b ...
2014-1-24 16:10
Adafruit's RGB LCD Shield Kit is amazingly useful!
Lately, I have been really happy playing with my Arduino Mega. I even enjoy wrestling with bugs in my programs—that "Ah Ha!" moment when you reali ...
2014-1-24 16:08
Adafruit's RGB LCD Shield Kit is really tasty!
Well, this is not a surprise. I have been really happy these past days playing with my Arduino Mega and working on the code for my Pedagogical and ...
2014-1-23 18:26
Selecting license for your software
You must already know that I'm having a wonderful time playing with a number of different Arduino-based projects, ranging from my Robot Platform ...
2014-1-23 18:25
Choosing license for your software
It may already be apparent that I'm having a wonderful time playing with a number of different Arduino-based projects, ranging from my Robot Platf ...
2014-1-23 16:17
Creating Bensonfruit Arduino Screwshield PCB (Part 2)
As you may recall, I earlier discussed the creation of a rather cunning prototyping board —a dual-board combo, actually—that is being designed b ...