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用户3826190 2014-5-23 19:49
Should reference designs be provided for free?
I recently heard from the folks at Maxim , who are touting a new reference design called the Alameda -- a flexible, high-accuracy 4-channel bipo ...
用户3826190 2014-5-23 13:08
Net neutrality: Where do you stand?
When I'm driving back and forth between my home and my office, I usually tune in to the National Public Radio (NPR) . One of the topics that's been ...
用户3826190 2014-5-23 13:04
What's your take on net neutrality?
I like to listen to the National Public Radio (NPR) when I'm driving back and forth between my home and my office. One of the topics that's been bo ...
用户3826190 2014-5-22 17:09
Designing with Zync and Logiscope
My friend Sven Andersson in Sweden sent me an email several days ago. Sven is busy working on his Zynq Design From Scratch blog series. He inform ...
用户3826190 2014-5-14 14:36
Free tool for hardware design, simulation, fabrication
Well, I am quite impressed! I was just rooting around on the Autodesk 123D website, and I was fascinated by what I saw there.   The best ...
用户3826190 2014-5-13 18:19
Science fiction and reality
A number of things amaze me about today's high-technology, including the fact that it's so pervasive and it sneaks up on you while you aren't looki ...
用户3826190 2014-5-13 17:43
Arduino Mega, chipKIT Max32 mods for 5V operation
Nothing is simple, right?. I ran into a minor "gotcha" with regard to my Bodacious Acoustic Diagnostic Astoundingly Superior Spectromatic (BADASS) ...
用户3826190 2014-5-13 17:38
Arduino Mega, chipKIT Max32 for 5V operation
It seems that nothing is simple. I ran into a minor "gotcha" with regard to my Bodacious Acoustic Diagnostic Astoundingly Superior Spectromatic (BA ...
用户3826190 2014-5-9 14:04
FPGA-based multicore Arduino Indiegogo Project
I just heard from my friend in Germany, Tobias Strauch. It seems he's launched an interesting crowdfunded project called Arduissimo over on Indie ...
用户3826190 2014-5-9 13:59
Variations in user manual writing style
I recently blogged about the worst oscilloscope manual of all time .. I've particularly enjoyed the feedback quoting from real-world manuals, such ...
用户3826190 2014-5-8 16:31
LPLC Microchip PIC18-based dev board
I have chum who is a senior software engineer and a columnist for the electronics and computing hobbyist magazine Everyday Practical Electronics ...
用户3826190 2014-5-8 16:28
Low power, low cost PIC18-based dev board
My firiend Mike Hibbett is a senior software engineer and a columnist for the electronics and computing hobbyist magazine Everyday Practical Elect ...
用户3826190 2014-5-8 16:19
The worst scope user manual ever made
PR and marketing groups at oscilloscope manufacturers around the globe seeing the title to this column must be thinking, "Please, please, please, l ...
用户3826190 2014-5-7 22:16
Flying Robot Band – You won't believe this!
My friend Jay Dowling just led me to the most amazing video on YouTube. It seems that a team at KMel Robotics in Philadelphia is having far ...
用户3826190 2014-5-7 16:38
Building a BADASS display (Part 5)
Good heavens! In Max's World (where the colors are brighter, the butterflies are bigger, the birds sing sweeter, and the beer is plentiful and cold ...
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