2014-6-3 17:32
A vacuum tube radio that needs some love
All I can express is that I am flabbergasted. In fact, I would go so far to say that it's rare indeed for my flabber to be quite so gasted. I was s ...
2014-6-2 22:02
Thoughts on augmented reality (Part 2)
In my recent blog on this topic, we discussed some of the delivery mechanisms that might be used to present us with augmented reality information ...
2014-6-2 21:57
What will you do if data stops flowing?
I have recently been thinking about the future of augmented reality (AR). I really believe this technology is racing toward us faster than most p ...
2014-5-30 17:51
Initial peek at Arduino Zero
I first dabbled with Arduino microcontroller development platforms last year in the form of the Rainbowduino Arduino-compatible system from Seeed ...
2014-5-30 17:27
Teensy 3.1, OctoWS2811 Library in Adafruit NeoPixels
It may be apparent by now, a lot of my current hobby projects --such as my Inamorata Prognostication Engine and my BADASS Display --are based on ...
2014-5-30 17:12
The Arduino Zero revealed
Last year, I first started working with Arduino microcontroller development platforms in the form of the Rainbowduino Arduino-compatible system f ...
2014-5-30 17:08
Thoughts on augmented reality (Part 1)
Have you seen the original Terminator movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger portraying a cyborg sent from the future to kill someone in our time? ...
2014-5-29 18:56
Arduissimo: FPGA-based crowdsourcing project
It seems that my friend in Germany, Tobias Strauch, has launched an interesting crowdfunded project called Arduissimo over on Indiegogo.com. ...
2014-5-29 18:55
Check out my amazing finger wrench
I am really thrilled when a package arrives at my desk, especially when I'm not expecting anything. Well, an unexpected package just arrived from E ...
2014-5-29 18:54
Using Zynq FPGAs and LogiScope Logic Analyzer
A few weeks ago, my friend in Sweden, Sven Andersson, sent me an email. Sven is busy working on his Zynq Design From Scratch blog series. He info ...
2014-5-29 18:53
How do you feel about augmented reality? (Part 1)
Do you remember the original Terminator movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger portraying a cyborg sent from the future to kill someone in our time ...
2014-5-29 18:53
Reference designs: Should these be free?
The folks at Maxim are touting a new reference design called the Alameda -- a flexible, high-accuracy 4-channel bipolar analog output that is t ...
2014-5-29 18:52
How do you feel about augmented reality? (Part 2)
In my previous blog on this topic, we looked into some of the delivery mechanisms that might be used to present us with augmented reality informa ...
2014-5-29 18:52
Teensy 3.1, OctoWS2811 Library dominate NeoPixels
As you will doubtlessly notice, a lot of my current hobby projects --such as my Infinity Mirror and my BADASS Display --are based on NeoPixel r ...
2014-5-28 19:26
PCB tools that support radial grids
Several days ago, I got an email asking if I were aware of any PCB tool that supported Radial Grids. To be honest, I have never had occasion to req ...