Well, this may have nothing to do with electronics, but I'm about to put a smile on your face and make you a happier person, and that's got to coun ...
I truly wish I were an expert with a 3D mechanical CAD package. A few months ago, I was all gung-ho about learning DesignSpark Mechanical. I downlo ...
Well, as usual, things are racing along in the programmable logic space (where no one can hear you scream). Around the middle of 2013, Altera detai ...
I often find myself sitting on the horns of a dilemma. (Note to self, must buy some padded undergarments.) This time it's with regard to creating g ...
This may come out as a little off-topic, but while I was driving into work this morning, I was ruminating over a certain circuit configuration, whi ...
I recently came across a really cool FPGA-powered tracked robot project on Kickstarter. I'm sure there are all sorts of FPGA-powered robots roaming ...
A few days ago, I received an email from my chum Arthur Smith, one of the world's foremost experts on cosmic rays, who now devotes himself to beeke ...