Several days ago, my chum Shakeel from Blue Pearl Software and I were discussing the plethora of interfaces available to designers today and the ch ...
My chum Aubrey Kagan just sent me an email. The subject line was "Having your cake and eating it." I like cake, so I didn't dilly-dally or shilly-s ...
Ever since I was a young lad, I've been enthralled by the haunting tones of the Theremin. Of course, things have come a long way since this instrum ...
Well, I'm pleased to say that things are bouncing along with regard to my Bodacious Acoustic Diagnostic Astoundingly Superior Spectromatic (BADASS) ...
Are you worried about the possibility of a Zombie Apocalypse or do you dismiss the thought of such an eventuality? If the latter, would you be surp ...
A few years ago, I won a pocket knife as part of a "Dirty Santa" game at a family Christmas party. This little scamp was a Buck 730 X-Tract. In add ...
Do you worry about the possibility of a Zombie Apocalypse or do you scoff at the thought of such an eventuality? If the latter, would you be surpri ...