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用户3826190 2014-10-23 18:50
Yet more brass-aging experiments
Well, the excitement is escalating, let me tell you. I'm happy to say that both my Inamorata Prognostication Engine and my Ultra-Macho Prognosti ...
用户3826190 2014-10-22 22:01
Thought-provoking trivia: Island universes
I was reading this month's issue of Discover magazine a few nights ago. At the back they had a piece titled "20 Things You Didn’t Know About Galax ...
用户3826190 2014-10-22 21:30
Priceless info on antique analog meters
In a previous column , I described how I'd been introduced to Jason Dueck and his colleagues at Instrument Meter Specialties . These guys and gal ...
用户3826190 2014-10-21 18:37
Free e-book: MicroZed Chronicles by Adam Taylor
I'm constantly amazed how time manifests its "wibbly-wobbly" nature, as Doctor Who would say. For example, I feel as though I've known Adam Taylor ...
用户3826190 2014-10-21 18:24
Adding encryption to OTN systems
Anyone versed in the specifications of telecom protocols will recognize that they are both detailed and complex. So it is surprising -- especially ...
用户3826190 2014-10-21 18:21
Enrcypting Optical Transport Network
Anyone knowledgeable of the specifications of telecom protocols will recognize that they are both detailed and complex. So it is surprising -- espe ...
用户3826190 2014-10-15 16:15
Blown away by this transistor-level classic chip kits
I was just meandering my way around the Adafruit.com website -- as you do -- when I stumbled upon something that made me gasp with awe and admirati ...
用户3826190 2014-10-15 16:10
Solving your analogue meter woes
I am the luckiest of lucky little scamps. Why so? Well, I don’t think we need to dwell on my legendary good looks. Also, the fact that I'm a trend ...
用户3826190 2014-10-15 16:01
Dr. Duino succeeded!
Do you remember my recent blog about the Dr. Duino diagnostic shield that you can use to diagnose problems in your Arduino Uno and chipKIT Uno32 ...
用户3826190 2014-10-10 16:58
Viewing the world through prism glasses
My wife (Gina The Gorgeous) and I do not always agree when it comes to our television viewing pleasure.   For example, Gina is "glued to t ...
用户3826190 2014-10-9 19:38
Through the prism glasses
In many respects, my wife (Gina The Gorgeous) and I are not always on the same page when it comes to our television viewing pleasure.   Fo ...
用户3826190 2014-10-7 21:28
Choice of analogue meter faceplate for Vetinari clock
Recently, quite a few people have been inquiring about the state of play with regard to my Vetinari Clock project, so I thought this would be a g ...
用户3826190 2014-10-7 21:24
Analogue meter faceplate for Vetinari clock project
Recently, quite a few people have been inquiring about the state of play with regard to my Vetinari Clock project, so I thought this would be a g ...
用户3826190 2014-10-2 19:10
ScratchDuino robot construction kit on Kickstarter
Do you have already have an idea about the ScratchDuino ? This little scamp is a simple, interactive, highly customisable open-source robot constr ...
用户3826190 2014-10-2 19:10
Arduino-based open-source robot construction kit
Do you already know about the ScratchDuino ? This little scamp is a simple, interactive, highly customisable open-source robot construction kit ba ...
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