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用户3826190 2014-12-23 21:17
I want a Zano autonomous nano-drone
I'm really, really keen on laying my hands on a drone. Ideally, I'd like one of the "Big Boys" -- a hexacopter about 2-3 feet across carrying a m ...
用户3826190 2014-12-22 19:02
My computer tower is dead -- Hurrah to the new one!
Not typical of me, I was not wearing my happy face several days ago, nor did I perform a single happy dance. The reason for this sad state of affai ...
用户3826190 2014-12-22 19:00
The death of my computer tower, the birth of a new one
Unusually for me, I was not wearing my happy face several days ago, nor did I perform a single happy dance. The reason for this sad state of affair ...
用户3826190 2014-12-18 20:47
Recycling old batteries
When I reached home from work several nights ago, I found my wife (Gina The Gorgeous) happily working on our Christmas decorations. As part of this ...
用户3826190 2014-12-18 20:44
How to dispose of those old batteries
When I returned home from work a few nights ago, I discovered my wife (Gina The Gorgeous) happily working on our Christmas decorations. As part of ...
用户3826190 2014-12-15 19:04
Yummy antique analogue meter faceplates
I've been meaning to bring everyone up to date as to the current state of play with regard to my various hobby projects, but so much is going on th ...
用户3826190 2014-12-10 19:10
NASA challenge: What about England?
Oh what horror! As you may know, I currently hang my hat in Huntsville, Alabama, home of the US Space and Rocket Center and ...
用户3826190 2014-12-8 15:26
Really cool sound effects shield for Arduino
I must say I am in a bit of a quandary. Things are racing merrily along with regard to several of my hobby projects, including my Vetinari Clock ...
用户3826190 2014-12-4 18:00
Got ideas for cat deterrent?
My wife, Gina The Gorgeous, is quite fond of animals. She has two stupid dogs and two stupid cats. How stupid are they? Well, allow me to show you ...
用户3826190 2014-12-4 17:46
What to do with a curious cat
My wife, Gina The Gorgeous, loves animals. She has two stupid dogs and two stupid cats. How stupid are they? Well, allow me to show you this video ...
用户3826190 2014-12-3 18:52
This is clever: The 10 Commandments of Electronics
My chum Rick Curl went to see me in my office about a week ago. We had both decided that we desperately needed some face-to-face time to talk about ...
用户3826190 2014-12-3 18:48
Have you heard of the 10 Commandments of Electronics?
My chum Rick Curl dropped into my office several days ago. We had both decided that we desperately needed some face-to-face time to talk about the ...
用户3826190 2014-12-2 18:39
How do you measure a Scoville?
Have you ever tasted a really spicy dish that brought tears to your eyes? Well, I just watched an excruciating video on YouTube that makes my eyes ...
用户3826190 2014-12-2 18:31
Phoenard prototyping device makes my head spin
I got a rather thought-provoking email from a young lad called Irmo van den Berge -- one of three students who have recently launched an interestin ...
用户3826190 2014-11-23 21:36
Dancing merrily around a volcano
When I was a young boy -- say around six years old circa 1963 -- my mom and dad and I would go to the seaside for a week in the summer every year. ...
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