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用户3826190 2015-3-20 17:25
Check out CEVA's human-like intelligent embedded vision
I truly believe we are on the brink of a major evolution in embedded systems technology involving embedded vision and embedded speech capabilities. ...
用户3826190 2015-3-19 22:43
Descendants of Murphy's Laws
As I mentioned in an earlier blog , my chum David Ashton from Australia tells me that his local Microchip Technology representative includes a "Jo ...
用户3826190 2015-3-16 21:03
Vetinari clock: Illuminating vacuum tube with LEDs
This is just a quick update with regard to my Vetinari Clock project . One rather tasty feature of the clock is an interestingly-shaped va ...
用户3826190 2015-3-13 21:53
What if I lose my left arm
A few weeks ago, I had a bit of a scare. It made me stop and consider, and the thought at the forefront of my mind was: "If I were to lose my left ...
用户3826190 2015-3-12 22:21
Thoughts on coping as a one-armed embedded engineer
I had a bit of a scare recently. It made me stop and think, and the thought at the forefront of my mind was: "If I were to lose my left arm, how w ...
用户3826190 2015-3-6 21:30
Repository of propitious and pragmatic content
Quite a few Pooh Sticks have gone under the bridge since I first got in touch with my chum Adam Taylor. It all started when I read one of Adam's co ...
用户3826190 2015-3-6 21:27
Archive of propitious and pragmatic content
Quite a few Pooh Sticks have drifted under the bridge since I first got in touch with my chum Adam Taylor. It all started when I read one of Adam's ...
用户3826190 2015-3-5 22:21
Check out the Electron--Arduino-like cellular dev kit
Do you know about the Spark Core Kickstarter project from 2013? If not, just to set the scene, the Spark Core is an Arduino-compatible, Wi-Fi ena ...
用户3826190 2015-3-5 22:13
Amazing 3D electronic sculptures
I recently got an email from someone we'll call Martin (because that's his name). Martin's message was short and sweet. In its entirety it read: "Y ...
用户3826190 2015-2-27 21:20
Boost smartphone storage thru external drive?
I recently got an email from a reader named Abraham who posed an interesting question as follows: Hello Max, Happy New Year to ...
用户3826190 2015-2-23 18:53
What could be better than yellow wood?
I don't care what my dear old mom thinks, I honestly don’t think I have attention deficit disorder (ADD), although... Ooh, shiny!   I'm s ...
用户3826190 2015-2-20 23:35
Fascinating factoids to consider
Whilst on the way into work several days ago, I heard on the radio that Apple is doing exceptionally well on the stock market these days. I don’t ...
用户3826190 2015-2-11 20:57
Expanding Murphy's Law
My friend David Ashton from Australia tells me that his local Microchip Technology representative includes a "Joke of the Month" in his communicati ...
用户3826190 2015-2-5 18:20
Check out this tasty solar media player & power bank
This is a funny old world and no mistake. I was sitting in the Pleasure Dome (my office) happily beavering away when someone dropped a package on m ...
用户3826190 2015-2-2 20:24
Vetinari clock: Presenting the prototype
Well, I have to admit that I have a great big Cheshire Cat-type grin plastered on my face at the moment, because the prototype for my Vetinari Clo ...
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