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用户3826190 2015-1-29 20:02
Making your system cyber-secure
Until recently, I was under the impression that my computer system in general -- and my precious data in particular -- was reasonably secure agains ...
用户3826190 2015-1-29 19:36
Extremely interesting videos and projects
Sometimes it seems as though there's so much cool and interesting stuff bouncing around that you don’t know where to begin. For example, the Might ...
用户3826190 2015-1-21 19:00
Tortuous transient errors
Several days ago, when I started my truck after a night when the temperatures had dived to well below freezing, I noticed a warning light glaring a ...
用户3826190 2015-1-21 18:57
Transient defects can be extremely frustrating
Several days ago, when I started my truck after a night when the temperatures had plummeted to well below freezing, I observed a warning light glar ...
用户3826190 2015-1-16 16:35
Change the way you do selfies
When I was a young boy, the concept of a digital camera was beyond our wildest dreams. I remember family occasions, such as Christmas, when -- afte ...
用户3826190 2015-1-12 19:09
Size matters
I don’t know what it is about them, but I am quite keen on using antique analogue meters as part of my hobby projects. I guess I just love the Ste ...
用户3826190 2015-1-10 21:01
The search for the best t-shirt for an engineer
I was looking around the Internet (as is my wont) when I ran across this t-shirt , which caught my eye and caused me to pause for a moment's conte ...
用户3826190 2015-1-10 20:58
How to spot an engineer
In the US, comdian Jeff Foxworthy is known for his "You might be a redneck if …" jokes.   Typical examples might be along the lines of: ...
用户3826190 2015-1-8 19:44
This is not your usual dictionary
Since we just recently entered a brand-spanking-new year, it perhaps behooves us to pause for a moment to contemplate the meaning of liff. What? No ...
用户3826190 2015-1-7 19:08
I am freaking amazing (seriously)
I think I may have had an epiphany, but I can’t tell for sure because (a) I can’t spell epiphany and (b) I'm not entirely sure what one is. All I ...
用户3826190 2015-1-7 19:02
Should I replace my iPad 2 with iPad Air 2?
I remember when the first iPad came out deep in the mists of time we used to call 2010. Actually, that's only four years ago, but it seems like a l ...
用户3826190 2015-1-7 18:46
High-speed chip-to-chip comms: ESIstream vs JESD204B
The JESD204 serial interface standard -- the latest version of which is the JESD204B revision -- was  developed under the auspices of the JEDEC co ...
用户3826190 2015-1-5 21:20
Sound effects shield for Arduino: The particulars
This is a followup to my previous blog on this topic, the "crux of the biscuit" being that I need a sound effects shield for my Arduino/chipKIT-p ...
用户3826190 2014-12-30 22:31
What do you think about Voltera desktop PCB printer?
My chum Javi in Spain sent me an email several days ago. "Have you heard about Voltera ( VolteraInc.com )? It's a Canadian company that is going to ...
用户3826190 2014-12-30 21:57
BADASS Display: Recovering from mistakes
Good grief--how time flies! I first determined to build my Bodacious Acoustic Diagnostic Astoundingly Superior Spectromatic (BADASS) display way ba ...
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