用户436037 2013-5-8 23:24
LED for lighting is not always environmentally friendly
We are usually being told that using WLEDs (White Light-Emitting Diodes) for lighting purpose has many advantages. For example, high efficiency, ...
用户436037 2013-4-27 12:29
ULINK2 not working anymore in MDK 4.7a?
Sometimes it is good to keep our development tools and utilities up-to-date, since updates may have the bugs fixed and have more functions. I j ...
用户436037 2013-3-10 12:08
STM32/MCU getting stack overflow easily?
Many people may have encountered problems like this: Even though there isn't a while/for loop in the program written, the MCU would run in a de ...
用户436037 2013-3-2 23:58
The longest distance for electronic engineers
I think most electronic or PCB engineers have encountered problems like this one:   May I name it as "The longest distance for ele ...
用户436037 2013-2-23 22:11
A simple IC for general small driver
Motor control system are very complicated. One of the key parts is the design of the driver. However, the article isn't going to talk about tha ...
用户436037 2013-2-14 23:46
A simple example on STM32 Pin Re-mapping
Pin Re-mapping is a simple but important skills in programming STM32. Here shows a simple example to re-map USART1_TX and USART1_RX from PA9, PA ...
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