用户436037 2014-9-10 23:58
苹果发布了 iPhone6 ​​, 再次掀起了一鼓追「疯」潮 ... 没有留意苹果产品的我 , 也听到了不少消息 ... 虽然我是一名电子爱好者 , 但是 ...
用户436037 2014-9-1 00:53
Updates from Me
Hi, long time no see! This September will be a different one for me, since I am not a student anymore... I was busy for my Final Year Proje ...
用户436037 2014-1-25 18:44
Reusing Card Reader from a Canon inkjet Printer
Inspired from Charlieb000 : http://icrontic.com/discussion/93568/reusing-card-reader-from-mp180-cannon-printer One of my friends had a C ...
用户436037 2013-12-30 14:22
Power? Energy? Electronics?
Electricity has brought numerous benefits to our daily life. But we should be aware of the energy consumption of different electrical appliances... ...
用户436037 2013-11-29 20:19
Device is not powered on? Replacing the capacitors may help!
Hi! Long time no see! Life has been busy over the past few months... Students' lives are busy... should be busy... especially for engineering stu ...
用户436037 2013-8-23 10:14
STM32F1 with 1.5inch CSTN Color LCD
First of all, happy new year and happy Valentine's day! Life has been very busy over the past few months... My first post is now released! ...
用户436037 2013-8-23 10:13
[博客大赛]Servo Motor Repair DIY
Electronic engineers may love to play with small mechanical 'toys'. DC Servo Motor is one of these. Most of the time, if we do not overload the ...
用户436037 2013-8-23 10:12
[博客大赛]Replacing a burnt Li-ion battery charger IC
When electronic devices are broken down, it is good to repair. Repairing the broken devices is not only environmentally friendly, but the process c ...
用户436037 2013-8-23 10:12
I have bought USB hubs from different shops. If the brands of the hubs are not popular or well-known, the quality may not be good enough. 1. The ...
用户436037 2013-8-14 23:23
Good news from Kuaipan! 100G of Free Space
Kuaipan.com (金山快盘) has announced to provide 100G of free space for users.   To enroll in the compaign, we only have to connect a Weixin ...
用户436037 2013-7-26 17:56
Started with Raspberry Pi
  These days I am getting started with my Raspberry Pi (Model B)! It has been a year since I got to know it. Finally I have got on ...
用户436037 2013-6-18 20:55
「中国国防科学技术大学研制的"天河二号"以每秒33.86千万亿次的浮点运算速度,成为全球最快。」 「天河2号使用Intel Ivy Bridge和Xeon Phi处理器,32,000 ...
用户436037 2013-6-16 00:16
Altium Schematic and PCB Libraries (1)
This time I would like to share a few recently-drawn Altium libraries. They are (1) Micro SD Card Slot (SMT) (2) MiniUSB Socket (SMT) (3) F ...
用户436037 2013-5-19 22:27
Load/Unload Cycles in Mechanical Hard Disks
A long time ago, the IBM manufactured hard disks with their own brand name. The two well-known series were "Deskstar" and "Travelstar", which ar ...
用户436037 2013-5-12 23:25
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to all of you and your family! This year I had one little more special gift to my mother, that was a small stuff printed by a ...
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