随着制造商推出32bit的高精度ADC,如何选择8位和32位ADC变得令人迷茫。LTC2450是一款比许多其他12位的ADC更经济的器件,只占用很小的板面积,成本更低。Digitize a $1000 Sensor with a $1 Analog-to-Digital Converter
Design Note 456
Mark Thoren
Introduction pressure. The spikes at the end of the graph are from
The LTC2450 is a 16-bit, single-ended input, delta- a door opening and closing. The Setra 270 must be
sigma ADC in a 2mm × 2mm DFN package, but don’t treated as a 4-terminal device, as the negative output
let its small size and low cost fool you. The LTC2450 is nominally 5V above the negative excitation. Figure
has impressive DC specs, including 2LSB INL, 2LSB 3 shows an isolated supply for the sensor’s excitation,
offset and a 0.01……