LTC3562是一款多功能高效四路输出的单片同步降压式整流器,可通过I2C接口控制。四种工作模式 开关整流器达到系统所需的效率和噪声要求。该器件可完美适用于锂离子电池供电的手持式处理器应用。通过I2C调整输出电压使其支持Intel的CPU P-和C-节能工作模式,简化了开发和制造容差测试。Compact I2C-Controllable Quad Synchronous Step-Down
DC/DC Regulator for Power-Conscious Portable Processors
Design Note 442
Jim Drew
Introduction The “Type B” regulators (R600B and R400B) do not require
The LTC3562 quad output step-down regulator is designed external programming resistors because the resistors are
for multicore handheld microprocessor applications that integrated on-chip. The values of the internal feedback
operate from a single Li-Ion battery. Its four monolithic, high resistors are adjusted through the I2C port, resulting in
efciency buck regulators support Intel’s mobile CP……