Many diferent semiconductor technologies are currently being used for power amplifers (PAs) that include a mix of Silicon and GaAs devices – Silicon Bipolar, Silicon MOSFET, GaAs MESFET, GaAs HBT and GaAs pHEMT. Avago uses enhancement-mode pHEMT (E-pHEMT) process for its PA design while most competitors have developed GaAs HBT technology. This paper shows why E-pHEMT technology can provide superior electrical and reliability performance for power amplifer design in wireless communications.Characteristics of E-pHEMT
vs HBTs for PA Applications
White Paper
Introduction No need for drain switch or negative voltage supply
Many different semiconductor technologies are currently One of the drawbacks to the conventional depletion-
being used for power amplifiers (PAs) that include a mode pHEMTs, despite the high performance, is the
mix of Silicon and GaAs devices ……