The PIC16C71 is a member of the mid-range family of
8-bit, high-speed microcontrollers, namely, the
PIC16CXXX. The salient features of the PIC16C71 are:
• Improved and enhanced instruction set
• 14-bit instruction word
• Interrupt capability
• On-chip, four-channel, 8-bit A/D Converter
This application note demonstrates the capability of the
PIC16C71 and has been broken down into four
• Multiplexing Four 7-Segment LED Displays
• Multiplexing Four 7-Segment LED Displays and
Scanning a 4x4 Keypad
• Multiplexing Four 7-Segment LED Displays and
the A/D Channel 0
• Multiplexing Four 7-Segment LED Displays with a
4x4 Keypad and 4 A/D Channels AN557
Four-Channel Digital Voltmeter with Display and Keyboard
Author: Stan D’Souza
Microchip Technology Inc. LED DISPLAYS
INTRODUCTION The PIC16C71 device’s I/O ports have an improved
The PIC16C71 is a member of the mid-range family of sink/source specification. Each I/O pin can sink up to
8-bit, high-speed microcontrollers, namely, the 25 mA and source 20 mA. In addition, total PORTB
PIC16CXXX. The……