Both LeCroy’s ERES (Enhanced Resolution) math operation and the Tektronix HiRes (High Resolution) acquisition mode are FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filters. Their function is to remove high bandwidth components of the signal and high bandwidth components of acquisition noise from a waveform. Beyond that basic similarity the two operations are completely different on both a mathematical and operational level. Differences Between ERES and HiRes APPLICATION BRIEF
How Do They Work ? (ERES)
November, 2011 ERES is a post-acquisition processing function available in many LeCroy
oscilloscopes. The user controls the amount of filtering desired. In the
Summary examples in Figure 1a and 1b, the dialog box in the lower right hand
corner shows the user is requesting 2.5 additional bits of vertical
Both LeCroy’s ERES
resolution. The user can request 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 or 3 bits of enhanced
(Enhanced Resolution) math
resolution. Of course extra resol……