Automatically Selecting Waveforms to be Averaged LeCroy Application Brief No. LAB WM443
Selective Averaging
Automatically Selecting Waveforms to be Averaged
In some applications oscillo-
scope users would like to sepa-
rate pulses based on waveshape
or some parametric value and
average only those pulses meet-
ing a desired criteria. LeCroy
oscilloscopes allow the use of
pass/fail testing, using masks
and/or parameter readings, to
qualify waveforms before they
are added into an average or
other processing function.
To setup a selective average
based on waveshape, a tolerance
mask is created using the
Pass/Fail set up dialog box for
condition Q1. The example in
Figure 1 shows the waveform C2
being tested against such a toler- Figure 1: The Pass/Fail action setup for averaging only p……